Timber industry in Lundo and Naone
as a contribution to a future ecology
The term ecology was coined in 1866 by Ernst Haeckel (1834 – 1919) and describes the relationships between living beings and their environment, which also includes inanimate nature. The word is derived from the Greek word “oikos”, which means “house” and “household”.
What can a person’s relationship to wood look like?

The ecological concept of recycling is put into practice
For ecological reasons, a few people decided to recycle old peaces of wood that had been left for a long time in a meadow just outside the town of Lundo. They were not particularly aesthetically pleasing to look at and so work was conducted to make use of the wood and tidy the area. The branches were shredded and packed in bundles. This small wood is also reused for fires.

The villagers enjoyed the work, not only because the meadow became more beautiful, but also because – as they said – it was stimulating to watch the workers. The meadow has now been tidied up and the view of the entrance to Lundo is much more inviting.
Another aesthetic idea is drying wood under a parasol as shown here on the side of Naone.

In this way, a timber industry, inspired and supported by the ideas of recycling and aesthetics, can be a valuable contribution to a future ecology.