Ein Ökologisches Projekt mit Kunst, Natur und Spiritualität

An ecological project with Art, Nature and Spirituality

Un progetto ecologico con Arte, Natura e Spiritualità

das aus der Notwendigkeit der Zeit als erlebbares Beispiel für eine zukünftige Kultur gedacht ist

Stones in the shape of an ellipse as a natural design element

Already existing on the grounds of Naone are various places made of stones that lie in the form of basic geometric shapes, such as the shape of the circle in different sizes or the shape of the trapezoid.

For a new place in the grounds of Naone the shape of an ellipse was chosen and stones were again used to create the ellipse shape.
(Photo : Samuel Koepe)

The stones for the new place, the majority of which are limestone, were taken from the immediate surroundings. Stones, arranged within basic geometric shapes, in connection with the immediate surroundings, offer a natural design feature.

The shape of the ellipse constructed from the number 7

Article by Bettina Brune, graduate forestry engineer

In architecture, as well as in garden design, pleasant, harmonious forms emerge when a person calculates relationships starting from a central form element and brings them into a logical connection. Read more …

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