Daily visit possibility
The casa artistica di Barbara can be visited daily. The large outdoor area invites you to explore. During the winter months of December and January, the inside of the house cannot be visited continuously, but it is possible to independently explore the artistic property along the stone circular path.
From February to November it is possible to visit the inside of the house every day. There is a possibility to get acquainted with the ecological project realized there and the sun oasis. Many elements of artistic horticultural design are integrated into the property. Squares, paths, water basins and little walls were built from different types of stone and the plot was designed according to artistic and spiritual criteria. Care was taken to enrich and expand nature through the design.

You can reach the Casa artistica di Barbara not directly by car, but on a 30-minute walk starting from Lundo (Frazione di Comano Terme).
If you park halfway, you still have to walk for about 15 min.
Contact: Tel. 0039-0465-700125; Email: info.naone@gmail.com